
Apr 9, 20212 min

What colours should you use in elegant contemporary homes?

Let me start with some images of elegant contemporary homes first this time. I want to make it obvious what elegant contemporary means, so that we do not fall in the trap of looking for only black, white, grey, beige, blue colours with golden or copper tone metal finishes. Yes, that would probably the first 50 images when you search on Pinterest. So, instead of doing that, let’s have a look at this collection and see what they have in common when it comes to colour scheme.

(Source: click on images)

So, what you see is that the afore mentioned colours are indeed very popular in this style. But, there are some more colourful schemes, that also works - perhaps for people with some more quirky taste or just with a love for colours. What is common in all of these colour schemes is the contrast. Whether it is in between dark and light or it is by the use of contrasting colours.

1. Achromatic colour schemes

I would like to bring to your attention the difference between monochromatic and achromatic colour schemes. Most people think of monochrome colour schemes as black and white. While they are, monochromatic actually means that the shades of only one colour is used. But it could be ANY colour. Achromatic is a special monochrome colour scheme in which we use the shades of black and white.

2. Achromatic with a pop of colour

We can shake up our black and white colour scheme a bit with a pop of colour to add warmth and fun to the interior. This would probably the preference of most people who likes minimalistic interiors but likes colour, as well.

3. Natural or earthy tones (with black and white)

Natural colours are also very often used in contemporary elegant homes and it is for a good reason. This colour scheme is more calming and less dramatic that also means it gives you a cosy vibe. Natural colours tend to be warm colours, as well, so if that is what you want to achieve, this colour scheme is for you!

Just keep in mind, that natural colour scheme does not mean fifty shade of beige!

Learn about colours of nature from one of my previous blog posts here.

4. Contrasting colours

In this example, besides the "elegant" colours, there is a certain shade of green and red. I believe this is brilliant. This brave colour choice add tons of personality to the space that so many of the contemporary interiors lack.

Just brilliant!

5. Dark moody tones

I must say I really like moody colours. I love them in bedrooms, in cocktail bars, restaurants, and I like a moody corner even in a living room. This is a colour scheme that is usually the most controversial. A bit love or hate. Do you like it?

6. Muted colour scheme (with black and white)

This colour scheme introduces some muted colours to soften the contrast and drama. It is kept bright and calming with the added grey-ish/blue-ish colours. Beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed the selection. I could probably come up with so many more variations of the above, but you can also keep experimenting.

Let me know your favourite(s)!

Until later, x Agi